Best of 2018: Books

This year was great for reading because for one, I rediscovered the library and two, I got laid off in June which gave me a lot of free time to ride down to the beach and read by the ocean.

Pretty rough life here in California.

These are some of my favorite fiction and nonfiction I read or re-read. I don’t think any of these came out in 2018 but all were incredibly enjoyable.

Grab these directly from Amazon or better yet, walk to your local book store purchase them IRL.

If I had to pick one fiction and one nonfiction to recommend, it’d be Area X and Deleting Your Social Media Accounts.

Area X is a brilliant piece of thriller and science fiction. It’s actually three books (Annihilation, Authority, and Acceptance) combined into one. The first book was made into a movie a couple years ago.

I think society as a whole would benefit from less time on social media, so I highly recommend you pick that one up and take some time away from your computer and phone.

Check out my favorite music from 2018 here and here, the best tracks here, and my favorite podcasts here.

Let me know your favorite books you read this year in the comments!

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